Success Stories
BOBSA /Sam Ennon is a cross between the wise uncle I never had, and a guardian angel that watches out for me. Over the years, he has become more and more important to me and my business.
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I am recommending to all in the Hair Care business the support and consultation BOBSA and Mr. Sam Ennon gives to all BOBSA Members.
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Here is a word about BOBSA and its Director, Sam Ennon. In all the years I’ve been associated with this company, I’ve found it to be an example of professionalism.
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When I started Lookr I was extremely new to the hair industry and in particular, I struggled to find reliable data about the Beauty Supply industry. After discovering Sam Ennon and BOBSA in a Youtube video, I reached out to Sam via a phone call and left a message.
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When I first virtually met Sam Ennon from BOBSA, I realized that he was a treasure trove of information where all things about the black hair care industry were concerned.
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After being in the Hair and Beauty Industry for over 20 years, Nicole had observed the lack of respect and professionalism in the hair and beauty industry. Because of this, she felt compelled to create an organization called BBIN (Beauty, Barber Industry Network.) At first, the lack of support and commitment seemed to get the best of her, but through it all, she remained faithful, focused and diligent.
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The B.O.B.S.A. Preferred Consumer Card
For the Beauty Supply Consumer,
This program will allow individual consumers to buy from B.O.B.S.A. Approved Businesses Members at Discounted rates. When you select to participate in our consumer program each manufacturer will agree to give from 5% to 25% off their suggested retail price. This program is not a B.O.B.S.A. Membership, it is a discount card for the consumer.
The card is Free for the first year the $10 per year afterwards.
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